Case Study: Web Navigation Menu
In 2023, I helped a telehealth company improve their website navigation by redesigning the top menu bar.
The Challenge: While this telehealth company has a very thorough SEO strategy, including dozens of tailored pages focusing on specific medical conditions that can be treated through their app, there was no way to navigate to one of those pages once a user was already on the site. The top menu bar featured just four main parent categories of conditions, which research had already shown didn't resonate with users, but there was no more room to add anything else to the bar.
In addition, this menu looked best on a desktop browser experience, but most of the site's traffic was actually mobile, which featured two separate menus and an unintuitive side-scrolling interaction. When business leadership requested that we add another service line to the menu without removing any existing content—impossible in the current design—we took the opportunity to redesign the menu experience entirely.
My Role: As the UX Writer, I took the lead on determining the information architecture and categorization of content in the menu. I worked with my design team to settle on the final plan for what content to feature in the menu and then collaborated with the web designer to bring the idea to life in an on-brand and user-friendly way.


My Approach: I examined site analytics to find the most important pages to feature, then researched and brainstormed potential grouping methods. Our larger design team was drawn toward "megamenus" to remove limitations on the amount of content we could feature, so I also researched best practices for this style of web navigation.
Ultimately, we chose to keep the same overarching categories to mirror what users see once they download the app, added a short explanation of what those categories actually mean, and then nested within them a list of up to eight specific conditions or medications in alphabetical order, making it as easy as possible for users to find the information they need. I also took the opportunity to replace the vague "Get Started" call-to-action with the more specific "Get Care Now" to help drive conversions.
The Outcome: In the two-week period following the launch of the new website navigation, overall site CTA clicks (meaning clicks that led users into the conversion flow) increased 30% compared to the previous two weeks, suggesting that the update allowed users to more easily find the information they were looking for and thus start the process of requesting medical care.